
Monday, 4 July 2016

Four Senses

Four Senses (School Journal Part 1 number 1 2005)

Fill in the spaces with words from the story
Dogs and humans have five senses.
If we lose our sight we get better at using the other four senses.
The one that helps Millie the most is her hearing.
Millie listens all the time.
Millie can feel where the corner is by the way the footpath slopes.
She know when we’ve arrived at the park because she feels the grass under her feet.
Millie knows most of the dogs in our neighbourhood by their smell.
Most of the time Millie can remember where the trees in the park are.
When we get to our gate Millie walks past it till she smells the flowers that grow in front of our fence.

What sense (sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch) does Millie use to find out:

where she and her guide person are going to walk to?
when they have arrived at the park?
which of her dog friends have already been to the park?
where Baillie is?
when they have arrived home again?

Friday, 1 July 2016

The Finish Waka

The waka is finish we take all the time to do it and it finish we tie the rope on the waka then we glue paper on it we use fat rope to tie and we made hole. And then we made the sail for the waka Kishan colour it in The hole thing.  And then we tie it next Tuesday they will take the waka in the hall for the art gallery they are going to lock the hall up .