
Thursday, 26 November 2015

Journey Planner

Walt: gather and use information from a text. This is my Journey Planner it like what time do we have to get Pt England and then what time do we get to sandspit and what time do we get to kawau island 

Bradley Free Blog Writing: Term 4 2015

Walt: write for an audience

Start Writing Here: In the weekend I went to the park I play with Siokita and Lanzie we play rugby with my sister I saw in Siokita team and Lanzie was in my sister team.  Siokita Socer   a try. Lanzie team won when I went home I eat chicken and Chips

Toni . I went to a trip Museum then we went in 1 group  and my the

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Google Cardboard

On Tuesday We went to the stuffy room when we went inside I saw Cardboard and a phone inside. When we looked inside it look real it was cool because it look at we are going to fall down I saw a snake but it was died. The next one was a river and a rain forest I saw a big  macros it was big. it was cool.   

Friday, 20 November 2015

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Bradley Diamante Poems

 Walt: Write a diamante poem using nouns, verbs, adjectives, synonyms and antonyms

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Bradley's Nice things

 Today we had to our name in kind word like b is of Beautiful and R is of Responsible and a is of awesome and d is of diligent and l of for lovely and e is of experienced and y is for young.

Monday, 16 November 2015

Bradley Math

 We learning about times 45 x 5 = 55 because miss v has 45 tennis balls and then is equally into 5 bags and then 42 x 3=69 32 x 4=45

The Chocolate Game

Walt: write an effective recount
Today we had the chocolate game. It was Mr S was had back we had to sit  into a circle. The rules is you're  not allowed to pick up the fork and eat the chocolate you have to scoop with the fork and take out the chocolate and eat it. I was the first  to roll the rice.

Billy got a 6 he had to put on a blue scarf and a hat. Then he use a knife and fork to cut the chocolate and then we scoop the chocolate and eat it I like the chocolate game because it was cool.  

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Bradley T4 Calculators Activity W4

Walt: Use more than one strategy to help us solve multiplication problems. We are learning about times  the first answer was 9 x 10 = 20 8 x 2 = 16 4 x 3= 7 13 x 8 = 21